
Kiril Raykov

Experience:15 years

Kiril Raykov

Director and head coach


Kiril Raykov is our head coach and director. He has more than 20 years experience and qualifications in the field of sport. He played more than 14 years as professional player in over 10 teams both in Bulgaria, USA, Germany and Norway. Champion of Bulgaria and Norway. 

Bachelor’s degree in Basketball 

Master degree in Strength and Conditioning
EXOS Performance Specialist (world top leading organisation for S&C coaches)

ALTIS Short Sprint Specialist (The best course of speed development in USA)

Posturepro Brain Coach Performance Specialist 

Posturepro Jaw and Body Connection Specialist 

Posturepro Neurovision Specialist 

From 2012 is part of the Nike Camp in USA as one of the head coaches Graduated form BC Barcelona University as S&C coach in team sports
Certified personal trainer, Kettlebell IKFF and Bulgarian Bag instuctor
Sports nutritionist by  C.O.R.F.I.T. 
Awarded for the best PT in Norway in 2014
MVP player in the ALL-STAR game in Norway (2015-2016)
The best European player in Norway (2015-2016)
Certified S&C coach by “Omniathlete” system
Works with thousands of athletes around the world like elite level basketball players, olympic athletes, world champions etc.
From 2016 he is mentoring a lot of coaches in his seminars and courses and sport events.
His expertise and knowedge with international experience makes him one of the best in the field. Applying the last trends in coaching. 


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